66x77cm, 2022
Oil on canvas
Waves" is an abstract painting that invites viewers into a world of dynamic movement and intriguing patterns. Against a deep black background, horizontal waves stretch across the canvas, creating a captivating composition.
The waves exhibit an interplay of forms — some intertwine, creating complex intersections, while others run parallel, maintaining rhythmic repetition. This variation adds depth and complexity to the painting.
The color palette of ivory hues, ranging from white to taupe, introduces subtle warmth that contrasts beautifully with the dark background. Vertically striped patterns within each wave enhance the sense of movement and rhythm, adding dynamic visual texture.
The stripes within the waves encourage the viewer's imagination to roam freely. The abstract nature of the painting allows for open interpretation, inviting individuals to find personal meaning in the intricate patterns and undulating forms.
"Waves" conveys emotion and movement through abstract forms and colors. Its elegant palette and open-ended interpretation make it a thought-provoking piece that captivates and stimulates the imagination.